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Thursday, 2 March 2017

White Magic Against Black Magic

Contrary to popular belief, magic actually can't be characterized as good or bad. The thing is different people have different ways of using magic and it's the way that people use magic that makes it good or bad. To differentiate magic that's used for good from the magic that's used to harm, the terms white magic and black magic started to be used. As you can understand, white magic relates to beneficial magic. Black magic, on the other hand, is the kind of magic that some people practice that is detrimental to people.

Essentially, when you look at magic, it's simply a kind of energy that's sent out into the universe. When you cast a spell, for instance, you're sending energy out for your particular wish to come true. Energy is neither good nor bad but if it's directed toward harming others, it becomes bad. But practitioners of black magic do so at their own peril because the law of magic can be summed up in eight words, a ye harm none, do what ye will. It can be taken like the law of karma where when you do something bad, it will eventually find its way back to you.

If you take for instance a batch of love spells, these are essentially very positive wishes. The true power of magic will work for you with the best cast love spells by transforming you or your subject into someone who is more open to love. If at first the barriers to love were winning, you or your subject can have a chance at love because the obstacles like shyness, negative thoughts, and so on are taken out. If you have a focus for the love spell and you want that particular person to fall in love with you, the best rituals will help you become more attractive to that particular person.

With a different kind of power with magic on your side, there is actually no need to be wishing ill on anyone else. You can keep on using white magic to make yourself better. Why waste your energies casting a spell of suffering on another person when you have the power to make yourself better. If you are having problems with your appearance, for example, you can cast a spell for becoming more attractive. With spells used for good, you won't be breaking the basic law of magic and won't have to deal with karma in the future. Astrologer in Florida, Astrologer in Georgia, Astrologer in Connecticut, Astrologer in North Carolina, Astrologer in PA-OH-WV,